When Ego is a Good thing

I am sure every one have heard about "ego" and it is the one three lettered dreaded word which no one wants to be associated with. "EGO" me...? Nah... But only a few might have actually heard about "ego search" and its not a path of self enlightenment where you search for your inner ego. It is not as bad as it might sound. Wikipedia actually defines ego search as " Ego-surfing is the practice of searching for one's own name, or pseudonym on a popular search engine in order to review the results." or put in simple words "Googling yourself" In fact its a good thing to search your name/nickname in Google and to analyze the first page results. Its indeed a proud moment to have google return pages related to you unless it is "content not suitable for all viewers". It is a great source of information about you. My search results usually is my personal homepage or a link to my LinkedIn profile or some post that sh...