A Distant Dream
A lot of things in the life just seems like a Distant Dream. With little hope and knowledge on how we are going to achieve those we still keep running towards it. Not all are born with a silver spoon and only a few manage to earn one. " I just ponder over my past to figure out my future " - vtrravikumar (wow cant believe I wrote my first very own saying) Life has not been kind to me as to the 99% percent of the rest of the world , so it doesn't seem as I been the few who has been cheated but at times I do feel bad that I could have been the remaining 1%. Have your felt being in a situation where you have not planned your future, your present seems grim and Past worth forgetting , I ask this because I often feel that and considering my self a part of the majority I am sure a lot of us must be feeling the same. Although an average from my start but never have I let this bother me. But have been no lesser sad when I lost something. So Whilst I ponder over my past to figure