Is Recession really that bad

Today I was out in a Seminar sought of thing organized by IBM Developer works. Although the planned session was no up-to mark due to last minute cancellation by one of the  the speaker and the substitute speaker did not impress me at least. The last part of the agenda was un-conference where a few from the participants spoke for few minutes and One of the participant I don’t remember his company had a beautiful thing to share. He said he had interviewed some top notch recently for some journal and his question was “How bad is recession going to be ?” but was pretty astonished when the senior person had some positive things to say about Recession.

As we all presume recession is not all that bad and there are good things too.

Survival of the fittest – Darwin did identify this for different reasons but it sure does fit well with the current scenario too. In this cut throat market only the fittest might emerge out of this situation so hold tight and strengthen your basics.

Better processes to evolve – Companies out there are striving too but the good part is that this is the time when they would also be revisiting their processes and make sure that they change for the betterment.

Let me steal a quote from Benjamin Franklin “We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” Which was one more thing I heard in the session today…


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