What a Shame

Looking in to the type of events that occured in the near past (Terrorist attacks, blasts, Attack in Taj and Nariman house) etc., and the following public awareness and the candle lights I thought the people have changed and they have now understood how important it is to unite and fight back Terror, I thought people will come in bunches to vote this election, I thought the election turnout would reach its 80% mark in most of these place

and What a Shame?

Upon confronted with such problems the public instead of fighting against feels its better to stay back in home in the comforts of the couch and watch television instead.

Why do we whine then ... Lets face it ...
We do not mind anything but our own selfish needs.
As long as it is some unknown person that dies in a blast ...
As long as its some unknown young soldier dieing out in the kargil....
As long as its some unkown millionaires money out there in Swiss account...
As long as its the same old politician who speaks with sweet words and stabs from behind...

"I dont care" is the attitude of this largest democracy...


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