Law of Attraction

The LOA states that:

"You attract to Your Life whatever You give Your attention, Energy and Focus to.
Whether wanted or unwanted."

Around 10 years back I was on board a bus from Delhi to Haridwar to join my first job in a very large PSU with lots of hope and enthusiasm that had increased due to the reason that I was from Chennai and my first visit to Haridwar the land of holy people and the pilgrimage gateway famous for Maha Kumbh.

On the half way through the bus stopped at this motel for some time and as I reluctantly had some of what ever that was available there and returned to my bus my eyes rested on a very beautiful girl sitting by the window side on another bus that was probably travelling in the opposite direction just leaving the motel. I could never forget the strange beauty in those eyes of that girl. I reached Haridwar and joined my duty. A few days passed by and one fine morning when I took off my eyes from the work to see the same girl walk into the room where I working as I was in awe she just went past to speak to my reporting manager. There was some heated discussion while she was pleading to her that she had no intentions of leaving without asking for permission but had some urgency in her home town for which she had to go. I came to know that she was an M Sc student who was there for her final year projects. In coming days things fell in places too much to my amazement that she finally was under me doing her project and helping me out. A few days passed by although I knew nothing about her more than her name I gathered the guts to propose to her ... asking her bluntly whether she would marry me.... After hearing which there was not much a reaction but she did not turn up to the office for a couple of days scaring me further. On her coming back I apologized to her being so blunt but still continued pursuing her to marry me. Time passed so fast after that and a day came when her training was to complete and she would be leaving .. Her father was out there to take her back. She did take the courage to tell her father about us and what I had asked to which her father agreed to speak to me in this regard. But at that time I was not so mature enough to know how I should speak and her father was obviously less willing for this and things did not take favorable turns and she left with her father.

With little knowledge about her home town and only her home phone to contact her our long distance love continued for a few years. There were a few vain attempts when we planned to meet face to face sometimes but did not happen due to many stopping forces. It was a lucky day to me when she first got her mobile phone which still helped us talk for hours with no time boundaries. After almost 6 years things turned favorable and when both our families did get together and we got married.

It is so good to sit thinking in this Valentines day that we go married 3 years before just had our 3 marriage anniversary on Feb 9th and our third Valentines day as well.
In other words,
By having an optimistic attitude and focusing on success, you attract success.That's what Law of attraction is all about isn't it.


Vinod Bora said…
Waw it was fantastic to read such a lovely story. I had read many real love story but not sure if I know anyone so close. I was under the impression that yours is normal arranged marriage but sometime do wonder South North combination.

While reading I was thinking that you are sharing your first love which didn’t materialized and wondering how you can share it with whole world including your wife .
But turn out to be true happy ending Hindi movie. Wishing a very Happy Valentine Day and Marriage Anniversary (belated).
Happy to know that you people have such a strong love bond.

Vinod Bora

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