vtrravikumar's photostream

Amritsar006.jpgRickshaw PullersI am AnnaVisually challenged Beggar and Wife_MG_5437.jpg_MG_5558.jpg
Like the new look of Flickr and guess what you get 1Tb of storage now... The photostream comes to life with the new look and feels great.

Before Google+ or 500px came flickr was the site where photographers could share their shots with everyone but in between it had lost its charm and was ignored, now with the revamped design and additional storage space I am sure it is going to wipe the dust off and kickstart again. This move by yahoo sure to kindle the interest again with the photographer community.

One more addition to the already exciting change is the android app for flickr now made available in google play. (http://goo.gl/fiY8h )


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