100 Things in my Life

100 is just figuratively speaking but the following are the things which I have already done or wish to do someday.

Things I have already done :
  1. Started my own blog
  2. Had chicken pox
  3. Visited Amarnath
  4. Had a Camel ride
  5. Walked in Times Square
  6. Seen Snow fall
  7. Seen a frozen Lake
  8. Donated Blood
  9. Got Drunk and passed out
  10. Seen a Glacier
  11. Fell from bike
  12. Held a praying mantis
  13. Taken a sick day when not ill
  14. Watched Sun rise and sun set in sea the same day
  15. Watched from the top of Empire State building
  16. Bus ride in Manhattan
  17. Swim in Sea
  18. Done a public speech
  19. Posted an article in local newspaper
  20. Built a sand castle
  21. Won a prize
  22. Fall off a running Bus
  23. White water Rafting
  24. Jumped off a cliff into a river
  25. Spent a whole day in an airport
  26. Collected hail
  27. Spent a night in Tent
  28. Bathed in a frozen River
  29. Felt an Earthquake
  30. Bribed someone
  31. Got pick pocketed
  32. Travelled without ticket in a bus and got caught
  33. Forged Signed fathers signature in school report card
  34. Proposed some one
  35. Ride an Elephant
  36. Driven car in 160 km/hr (roughly 100 miles/hr)
  37. Lost a loved one
  38. Own a cell phone
  39. Own a DSLR
  40. Kissed in a plane
  41. Visited ground zero
  42. Drink a tequila shot
  43. Talked to a stranger
  44. Walked on beach in moonlight
  45. Played in a Casino
  46. Bathed in a waterfall
  47. Swim in a well and almost drowned and saved
  48. Watched movie in open air theater
  49. Stayed in a shikara (Boat house)
  50. Watched from the top of Burj Khalifa
  51. Went to Ladakh
  52. Bought an SUV
  53. Bath in a hot spring
  54. Drive a car in a foreign country

Things I Wish to do some day
  1. Drive a huge Truck
  2. Trek alone in some distant mountains
  3. Go on a Cruise
  4. Visit Niagara Falls
  5. Bungee jump
  6. Ride an Ostrich
  7. Buy a Royal Enfield
  8. Save someone’s life
  9. Walk in Africa
  10. See an active Volcano
  11. Ride on the top or a train
  12. Write a book and get published
  13. Fly in an Helicopter
  14. Start a Business
  15. Go to a drive-in Cinema
  16. Drive a Harley
  17. Buy a home near sea shore
  18. Go Skiing

Wish this Never Happens
  1. Struck by a lightening
  2. Broken a bone
  3. Watched someone die
  4. Bitten by a snake/stung by a scorpion
  5. Been to Jail


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