I came across this blog post by Peter Laird ( Blog link ) which I found to be an interesting way to rank the cloud vendors but since this list had been prepared almost 2 years before, I decided to give it a shot now to see how the ranking had changed over time. Based on the methodology used by Peter I did the following : Cleared all browser cookies Ensured I was logged out of Google (to avoid personalized results ) Navigated to the www.google.com search page Typed “cloud computing” in the search box However unlike Peter I did not browse through all the pages but restricted my ranking until I found 10 vendors. The result is as follows. From the search results scrubbed off all non vendors and then collected the first occurrence of each of the following vendors. Page Rank Vendor URL 1 1 Salesforce http://www.salesforce.com
Year 2020 came in silently into our life like a serial killer, no one would ever suspected what it had to offer. If you survive this medically, mentally or monetarily you should be happy. 2020 has hit everyone like a tsunami, and only a few will make it alive to remember this. It has been only 6 months of 2020 yet the causality are very high. Like any other year it started with a New year well celebrated across the world, however the happiness was destined to last only a few days when the first few cases of corona were recorded in the Far East. It did not take long for this to spread across. Even those who thought this would be yet another flu that will be eventually cured and will not affect them had to change their mind when it gradually spread in Italy, Europe and the US. All the initial theories that it will slow down when the temperature soars also fell flat when the fatalities and people affected kept growing in numbers. To a generation who are used to the mad rush and runnin
I still remember the day I first donated blood. I have been having this fear of seeing blood (Haemophobia) since birth but I first identified this condition of mine while I had to do a blood test in school. This is the time when they prick you with a needle, collect a drop of blood and smear it in a glass plate. Everything went normal so far… even the pricking but when the nurse starts to squeeze the finger and a drop of blood emerges that's when I felt some what like missing a heart beat and with minutes I found myself flat on ground… (Obviously I had fainted). Being aware of this particular weakness in me I usually avoid watching blood but there are times when I try to be bold and take the first step to try and see if this still happens and mostly the result is same as the first time. Once while I was in college there was some requirement of blood and there was a peon who enquired in every class if someone was willing to donate. Since it had been a while when I had fainted I